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Rigorous learning is essential in conveying information and knowledge to students. But in addition to that, it is better for teacher to focus also on learning with entertainment.
Rigorous learning is essential in conveying information and knowledge to students. But in addition to that, it is better for teacher to focus also on learning with entertainment.
2. When orally delivering these instructions, the experimenters are in a higher place than the participants (e.g. experimenter stands while participant sits down) . This is to implicitly enhance the authority of the experimenters, so that the participants are more cooperative and more willing to accept the information delivered by the experimenters.
3. Try to use some software, e.g. Z-Tree (http://www.ztree.uzh.ch/index.html),
during practice. These software allow many players interact with each
other simultaneously online. Some experimenters could interact with the
participant during practice and appear in some place that the
participant could see. This is to make the participants sure that they
are playing against some real person.
4. Before the formal task, pretend to make a phone call to another
experimenter who "is supervising the group of counterparts". You can say
something such as "It's time to start, are you ready ...... what,
someone is still peeing? pull him back, we can't let the participant
wait for too long time.......Oh, the signals in this room is too
bad...." Be sure that your participants have heard your information.5. During the practice, you can add some fake off-line information (e.g. a sudden break and some warning information on the screen "can't access the server..."). Sometime, non-perfect procedure may make the participants believe that the things here are true.
6. After getting out of the scanner, give them a questionnaire about their feelings when interacting with counterparts. If someone says that he/she does not believe that there is a human counterpart in some other place, just reject his/her data.
7. If it is OK to you, try to recruit female participants only. They are much easier to be deceived than men.
8. Do not recruit participants major in psychology. They can see through these tricks easily.
Hope these information are useful to you!
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